Ethical Principles

Arpacıoğlu Group’s business activities and processes are based on ethical values. The company is committed to being transparent, fair, and accountable in its dealings with all stakeholders. In line with these principles, Arpacıoğlu Group fully complies with national and international regulations, contracts, and commitments, and is committed to maintaining its high standards of business ethics.


The company’s group companies are committed to understanding and meeting the rapidly changing needs of different sectors and geographies. To this end, Arpacıoğlu Group has established a comprehensive infrastructure to respond to the expectations of stakeholders at local and international levels. With this infrastructure, Arpacıoğlu Group is committed to achieving sustainable growth and success, while also fulfilling its social responsibility.


Arpacıoğlu Group provides training to its employees and stakeholders on ethical values and takes care to integrate these values into daily business processes. In addition, the company continuously reviews and improves its commitment to the principles of transparency, honesty, and justice through its established control mechanisms. As a result, Arpacıoğlu Group is recognized as a reliable and respected business partner.

Arpacıoğlu Group, which works to continue its mission of adding value to its customers, business partners, and society, is committed to carrying out these activities in line with the principles of commitment to ethical values, sustainability, and social responsibility.